Community Groups
wednesday night @ 7pm
Children, through 5th grade, are taught a Bible lesson separate from the adults from 7-8pm. The youth, 6th-12th grade engage in relevant discussions about the Bible with our youth leaders from 7-8pm. The adults discuss the Bible and deal with real life questions/answers from 7-8pm. For more information call/text 617-943-9738.
women’s bible time from 4-5:30pm on every other saturday
The ladies of the church come together to discuss various biblical topics. There is no childcare for this study. Please contact Tammy Garcia @ 617-602-3505 for dates and any information regarding this group.
men’s breakfast @ reds diner on the 1st saturday of every month @ 9:30am
This is a time for prayer and fellowship for the men of the church. All you need to do is RSVP to 617-943-9738 and we will have a seat ready for you.